1ST PERIOD 9:00-9:50
Accessory Making 101 (7-10)
Savannah Stockard savannahbananavideo@gmail.com
$55 + $30 materials fee
In this class we will be making tons of different kinds of accessories ranging from jewelry to bags! Each week your kid will come home with a new accessory and a full list of instruction incase they want to make it again! Payment Details: I take cash, venmo, and check! Venmo is @Savannah-Stockard
Acrylic Painting (10+)
Sylwia Herbst sylwia.herbst@gmail.com
$110 + $40 materials fee
We will learn the basics of painting with acrylics, including which brushes work best for certain effects and blending. We’ll talk about which colors compliment each other, what they mean and how they can affect our mood. During the semester each student will complete and take home about 5-6 completed paintings, including landscape, birds, animals, plants, and abstract. There will be music and fun. All supplies will be provided within the materials fee, so no need for parents to shop. Payments accepted: CashApp $SylwiaHerbst Paypal sylwia.herbst@gmail.com Zelle 407-421-8038 Cash or check
Animal Adventures (8+)
Alexis Trowbridge Lextrow7408@gmail.com
$75 + $10 materials fee
In this course we’ll learn about sharks, horses, lizards, stingrays, bioluminescence, turtles, and so much more. Each class will start with a 30-40 minute hands on and interactive lesson with activities such as word searches, bingo, simple crafts, matching games, and so much more. We’ll end with a jeopardy or trivia to reinforce knowledge gained. This course will be taught by a 16 year old with over 6 years of animal related volunteer experience as well as a year of working at a daycare and past experience teaching classes. Payment is accepted via cash or through Venmo or PayPal [hltrow811@gmail.com] as a payment to friends and family only. Please contact me to discuss if you have an interested child outside of the age range or if your kiddo needs any accommodations to participate.
Budding Botanist (7-11)
Sara Ratza sararatzahhp@gmail.com
$100 + $30 materials fee
This course is designed to encourage younger children to get excited over the study of plants. Each week we will discover new ideas about plants, the parts of plants, and how plants work from the seeds to flowers and fruit. This is a hands on class and be prepared to spend some time outdoors.Instructor Sara Ratza is a Clinical Western Herbalist that has been working with plants for over a decade, with teaching experience spanning over 25 years.
Coding / Game Development in Unity (13+)
Jack Card theduccygaming@gmail.com
$50 + $0 materials fee
Hey! Have you ever wanted to learn how to make games in Unity? You’re in luck. In this course, you will learn how to navigate the Unity UI, set up an IDE (integrated development environment), We will learn how to detect collisions, simulate physics environments, paint terrain and map design details, UI (user interface) for crosshairs, indicators, items and maybe dabble in a little weaponry. I hope you consider taking this class as it would really benefit your skills in game development and programming.
Coffee Hour (1-4)
Lauren Weight & Malissa Drouillard laurenweight12@gmail.com
$60 + $0 materials fee
Start your Wednesday morning off with some YOU time. Bring us your little for a time of play with other friends, while you recharge for 50 minutes. Parents will be called for diaper changes.
DIY Natural Make-Up and Facecare (10+)
Plamena Uzunovac plamena.uzunova@protonmail.com
$120 + $60 materials fee
Second run for this kitchen meets the lab class (Identical to last semester’s class)! I invite you to dive with me into the world of homemade Facecare and Make-up products using all natural, clean and even some edible ingredients. We will be making Eyeshadows, Blush Powder, Mascara and Eye liner using pigments like clays, spices, root powders and activated charcoal. We will be mixing up floral water, different plant butters, plant waxes, carrier and essential oils to concoct our own Face Moisturizer, Make -up Remover, Make-up Setting Spray and more. We will be using lab equipment and tools like beakers, lab tongs, tiny spatulas, pipettes and jewelry 0.01gr scales, as well as kitchen staples like mortar and pestle, milk frother and measuring spoons, which are all super fun to work with! We will be discussing why all natural and clean cosmetic products are the better choice. Each week the students will take home a different product. At the end, I will provide a complete list of all recipes with instructions and ingredients that we have made throughout the semester so the students can make any of them at home at will. Most of the containers we will be using are “zero waste”, meaning they are either biodegradable or reusable. Come and meet me at the meet and greet, I will have samples of all products! ****Scholarship: I am not a certified teacher so I cannot help with the class fee reimbursement, however if you want to try to submit the materials fee, I will be happy to issue an invoice so you can give it a try (no guarantees), just inquire upon payment. Payments Cash, Check made out to Plamena Uzunova, Zelle 732 430 5493, PayPal plamena.uzunova@protonmail.com
Flag Football (8-18)
Jeff or Marquis and Sam (Jump For Kids) Jeff@JFKFL.org
$109 + $0 materials fee
Flag football, touchdowns, running, scoring, jumping and so much fun!
Latin Dance Class (7+)
Kaszundra Szabo kaszundrastar88@gmail.com
$100 + $0 materials fee
The history of ballroom dance can be traced back to the 16th century in Europe, where it was primarily a social activity for the upper class, but this semester we are bringing it back to the 21st century!
In this homeschool latin dance program your child will learn the basic steps in Cha Cha and Jive… Ballroom style. The class will start off with warm up followed by basic steps of both genres of dance with an emphasis on technique later in the semester as students build confidence with these dance styles. Students will learn a dance routine combining both styles of dance which will be presented at the Talent Show. No dance experience required. Please note: ballroom dance shoes are highly recommended (cost approx. $25-$30). Links will be provided upon registration. Payment can be made via Zelle, cash, or Venmo.
Math Detectives (5-8)
Christine Allen christine@mamaknowsmath.com
$120 + $5 materials fee
In this class the mathematicians and I are going to be detectives and follow all the clues that that the world around us give us to see and understand math! We will spend time in and out of the classroom noticing patterns, counting, organizing groups, engaging in all four operations.
Kids will explore the “real world” of math but also engage in solving math word problems and make sense of other’s thinking. Materials students will use and take home: Notebook, Pen attached, Magnifying glass, Post-it notes. For payment cash, check or Zelle (Christine Allen 925-784-9601) are accepted. About the teacher: Hi! My name is Christine Allen (@mamaknowsmath). I taught Kindergarten and 2nd grade for four years and then transitioned out of the classroom to coach teachers in their math instruction. I did that for 4 years at my school site in Los Angeles, Ca. and then supported over 20 schools Los Angeles wide. Since moving to Clearwater I have supported locals schools, homeschool families and in school families with improving their math practices and student’s math achievement. My passion is to support children to become empowered, confident, and competent mathematicians. I believe that children do not need to be told how to solve math problems, but rather need the time and space to solve on their own. I love creating dynamic, complex and child centered math engagements for kids to enjoy!
Mock Trial (12+)
Heather Trowbridge hltrow811@gmail.com
$100 + $15 materials fee
Do you want to learn about the legal system while improving your arguing (er, negotiating) skills? We will cover the basics of the legal system as well as general speaking skills while we prepare our own Mock Trial, which will run the last week of class. We’ll spend class time preparing questions for the witnesses, opening statements, and closing arguments. Will you be an attorney or a witness in our jury trial? Materials fee includes a printed and bound instructional book with the material covered plus a Deep Dive section with additional information for each topic that students can explore individually if they’re interested. Payment is accepted via cash or through Venmo or PayPal [hltrow811@gmail.com] as a payment to friends and family only. Please contact me to discuss if you have an interested child outside of the age range or if your kiddo needs any accommodations to participate. Note: Upon request I can provide an invoice and a resume showing I’ve been teaching this class for 3+ years if you’d like to submit for Step Up reimbursement.
More Adventure from a Little House (5+)
Dawn Marie Miller Kbm4d@yahoo.com
$100 + $30 materials fee
Let’s step back in time as we follow the adventures of Laura. We will pick up this semester with new crafts, games, skills and activities from her book series.
Scottish Highland Dance (4+)
Margaret M Howard howardhighland@earthlink.net
$100 + $0 materials fee
Traditional Scottish highland dance and scottish dance history
STEAM with LEGO (7+)
Ali Scanlin aliathop@gmail.com
$95 + $50 materials fee
Full STEAM ahead, with this all new STEAM focused LEGO class! This class will allow your child to focus on science, technology, engineering, art and math… all while having fun with their friends. Each week there will be a STEAM challenge. Students will build LEGO marble mazes, engineer boats to see if they float, compete to construct bridges that support weight, build zip lines and so much more! I will offer them assistance with builds. If your child loves inventing, learning how things work, being creative and fun contests…all while using LEGO, then this class is for them! If your child is outside of the age range, speak with me! You know your child best and this may be a perfect fit for them, even if they are outside of the suggested age range. This will be an 11 week course, to allow for any emergencies on my end. Cash or check is preferred, and can be given before the first class. If you must, Venmo is @Ali-scanlin
2ND PERIOD 10:00-10:50
Brick Building with Presentation Skills (4-9)
Ali Scanlin aliathop@gmail.com
$95 + $40 materials fee
Excited to be back with a whole new twist! This class will allow your kiddo’s creativity to shine! There will be a few suggested themes, presented on LEGO themed task cards, but thinking outside the box is also encouraged! They are allowed to work solo, or with a friend. I will offer them assistance with builds. At the end of class, each student will have the opportunity to present their build with an emphasis on presentation skills (presenting is never required, but most kids love to share what they’ve built!) We will focus on projecting our voices, good posture, eye contact and gain confidence with each passing week! Not only will we grow our public speaking skills, but we will also work on how to be a respectful audience to our fellow classmates. If your child is outside of the age range, speak with me! You know your child best and this may be a perfect fit for them, even if they are outside of the suggested age range. This will be an 11 week course, to allow for any emergencies on my end. Cash or check is preferred, and can be given before the first class. If you must, venmo is @Ali-scanlin
Candle Making and More (10+)
Plamena Uzunova plamena.uzunova@protonmail.com
$120 + $65 materials fee
Scented Candles, Bug Repellent Candles, Tea Light Candles, Sand Art Candles, Color Block Candles, Meditation Candles, Wax Melts and Sachets… Before we know it, we will have enough candles to put in each room of the house…. But we won’t stop there. We will get our hands dirty hand-rolling Incense sticks from scratch, we will gel up our own natural Air Freshener, will decorate our own Wax Warmer and even make an Oil Lamp. All that while using all-natural plant-based wax, cotton wicks, dry flowers, biodegradable glitter, essential oils and organic natural fragrance oils. No synthetics, no toxins! Come and meet me at the “Meet and Greet”, I will have samples for you to check out! ****Scholarship: I am not a certified teacher so I cannot help with the class fee reimbursement, however if you want to try and submit the materials fee, I will be happy to issue an invoice so you can give it a try (no guarantees), just inquire upon payment. Payments Cash, Check made out to Plamena Uzunova, Zelle 732 430 5493, PayPal plamena.uzunova@protonmail.com
Competitive Cheerleading (7-14)
Brittanie Pope Brittaniejpope@gmail.com
$100 + $75 materials fee
The Competitive Cheer class is designed for athletes eager to participate in cheerleading competitions, with a focus on building strength, flexibility, stunts, tumbling, and teamwork. Athletes will learn complex routines that combine tumbling, jumps, stunts, and dance, all while developing discipline, coordination, and confidence. This class requires a commitment to the 2025 competition season, with practices leading up to the big event on April 5, 2025 at the Florida State Fairgrounds. Participation in this class means committing to two practice sessions outside of HOP, maintaining a high level of flexibility and staying coachable, and working as part of a team to perfect routines. Athletes will also develop important skills in sportsmanship, perseverance, and time management as they prepare for the competition. Materials covers new practice uniform and competition fee. PayPal.me/brittaniejpope or Venmo: Britt-freedomfriends
Drawing Fun Stuff (8+)
Angel Mercado angelcollito1959@gmail.com
$130 + $15 materials fee
Pencil drawing from the basics
Dungeons & Dragons for Beginners (9-13)
Leo Drouillard Mmdrou@gmail.com
$60 + $15 materials fee
Great Adventurers! Come with me to explore the role-playing world of Dungeons & Dragons! Travel to far away lands as you learn how to play with a team of fellow gamers. Payment via cash, check, Venmo, or PayPal.
Elementary PE (7-11)
Jeff or Marquis & Sam (Jump For Kids) info@jumpforkids.info
$109 + $0 materials fee
Jump for Kids will offer an PE class for middle and Highschool school age students. Taught by a certified and professional personal trainer, Jeff Pope/Marquis Lester and Highschool Teenager Coach Sam Card. We will focus on an intro to sports, Kickball, basketball, dodgeball, flag football, soccer, whiffle ball, knocker ball, ultimate frisbee and other athletics team sports. payments @ www.jumpforkidsfl.org
Fun with Physics (10+)
Shar Nunley sharnunley@gmail.com
$80 + $50 materials fee
A hands-on class where we will touch on the basic concepts of Physics. Kids will learn through demonstrations and experiments. We will start with gravity and Newton’s three laws of motion. Then onto inertia, velocity, speed, vectors, potential and kinetic energy. Finally, we will end the class with a rocket launch from rockets we will build in class. Scholarships available to anyone that needs one. Sibling discount (2 kids one material fee). I am also approved for reimbursement from FL grant/scholarship programs. BS Chemical Engineering from USF. I only accept Cash, Check or Money Orders.
Gameschooling 101 (6-10)
Jackie Avril and Marissa Bonelli Jackie.avril15@gmail.com
$75 + $25 materials fee
Gameschooling 101
Come join us for some fun while learning and playing games. Each week will be themed to accompany different types of games or topics. Some themes could be geography, strategy, money, or card games. At the end of the semester kids will have the opportunity to make their own games and play them together. Ages 6-10, with the suggestion that your child is capable of reading. Will take cash or Venmo: @Jacqueline-Avril Please reach out before payment if you are interested in scholarship reimbursement. Ms. Jackie is a certified teacher and registered as a PEP approved teacher.
Hands-On Art History (7-12)
Alicia Keenan Prescott misslish@verizon.net
$95 + $45 materials fee
Join MISS LISH on a hands-on exploration of some of history’s most influential artists! Along the way, we will examine many famous works of art and find exciting, new ways to appreciate the different styles & details of these timeless masterpieces. We’ll discuss some fun facts and highlights from the artists’ lives, then students will dive into creating with a variety of mixed media art: faux glass blowing, block prints, clay play, foil sculptures, dioramas, soap carving, and tons of more fun surprises! Some of the artists we will be covering include: Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Dale Chihuly, Pablo Picasso, and many, many more! As an added bonus: be on the look out for some awesome upcoming fieldtrips outside of class days to support the learning that will take place in class. If you have an interested learner outside of the suggested age range, they are welcome to join! Please reach out to me to discuss arrangements. Class pricing is based on an 11 week semester. Cash/check is preferred made payable to: Alicia Prescott Paypal: misslish@verizon.net
Kids Social (6-10)
Savannah Stockard savannahbananavideo@gmail.com
$35 + $15 materials fee
In this class we will have fun doing brain teasers, ice breakers, games, science experiments, and more! I take cash, check, and venmo! Venmo is @Savannah-Stockard
Make Me Money Smart (11+)
Heather Trowbridge hltrow811@gmail.com
$100 + $0 materials fee
Money isn’t everything, but it sure is something! Join us as we learn more about our relationship with money – and how we can make it work with us instead of against us! Imagine how much happier you would be if you could tell your money what to do rather than it telling you what to do. The key is to start NOW. Each week will have a fun lesson, a discussion and/or activity, and a take home sheet [so parents know what is being taught]. Topics will include: Wants vs Needs, Paychecks and Taxes, Bank Accounts, Investing, Insurance, Credit Cards and Debt, and Budgeting and Values. When we’re done, you’ll be better prepared to make financial decisions now and for the rest of your life. There’s no one way to do finances so we’ll discuss various options and leave the choice up to the person it affects: you! Payment is accepted via cash or through Venmo or PayPal [hltrow811@gmail.com] as a payment to friends and family only. Please contact me to discuss if you have an interested child outside of the age range or if your kiddo needs any accommodations to participate. Note: I’m happy to provide documentation necessary for scholarship reimbursement upon request.
Music & Movement (18 mo-6)
Heather Olejniczak herbalifespringhill@gmail.com
$60 + $0 materials fee
This warm and inviting carer/parent-child class will delight and connect with rhythm, guided movement, stories, songs, ASL and more! 25 minutes of structured class, 25 minutes of open-ended playtime with natural toys (wooden, woven, silks and more). Class fee, payable by cash, check or Venmo to @Heather-Olejniczak
Plushies 101 (8+)
Dawn Marie Miller kbm4d@yahoo.com
$100 + $30 materials fee
Let your creativity flow as you create a one of a kind friend. this is a class will focus on the basics of hand sewing, as well as life skills like sewing buttons, hemming and ironing skills.
Tactical Taggers: NERF (12+)
Kooper Miller kbmd@yahoo.com
$80 + $15 materials fee
Join us as we tag our way to fun. This is a NERF based class for older kids to test their skill both on aiming and dodging. Water and safety glasses be provided and required to be worn, feel free to bring your own if you have some you prefer.
3RD PERIOD 11:00-11:50
Entrepreneurship: Start Your Own Business (10+)
Douglas Drouillard Drouillard@gmail.com
$75 + $10 materials fee
Learn what it takes to start your own business! Each student will research an idea, develop a business plan, and learn how to make money from it. Some of the topics for discussion include finances, business structure, marketing, and taxes. The goal will be for each person to have a running business at the end of semester market day. Payment is accepted via check, cash, Venmo, or PayPal.
Friendship and Connections (8-13)
Brittanie Pope Brittaniejpope@gmail.com
$66 + $54 materials fee
The “Friendships and Connections” class is designed for 8-13-year-olds to help them build strong, healthy friendships and navigate social challenges. Through fun activities and games, students will learn key skills like communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. At the end of each class, a 15-minute circle time offers a safe space to discuss friendship struggles, learn how to repair conflicts, and practice self-advocacy. This class provides practical tools to strengthen connections and support positive interactions with others. We will utilize the Gottman method as well as many therapeutic approaches to healthy relationship building in our class. This will be an 11 week class to allow for one travel or illness related absence of the teacher. Payment via PayPal (brittaniejpope@gmail.com) or Zelle (dqbrittanie@aim.com) – electronic payment preferred.
Geo-Crafting: Lucky for us! (7-12)
Alicia Keenan Prescott misslish@verizon.net
$95 + $40 materials fee
Join MISS LISH as we trek around the globe looking for signs of good luck! Each week, we’ll mesh geography & history with a fun, unique hands-on craft that will highlight a special symbol of good luck from that part of the world. Some of the projects will include: foil embossing, clay sculpting, Rangoli Salt Art, and faux paper mache, and much, much more! If you have an interested learner outside of the suggested age range, they are welcome to join! Please reach out to me to discuss arrangements. Class pricing is based on an 11 week semester. Cash/check is preferred (payable to Alicia Prescott) Paypal: misslish@verizon.net
Intro to Public Speaking & Crazy Strange History (10+)
Heather Smith-Levin HeatherTSL@yahoo.com
$75 ($55 for siblings) + $0 materials fee
This is a new kind of class where the students will learn the basics of public speaking and presentation. They will gain valuable skills and increase their confidence. Each student will be speaking to the class most periods. They will also do research and presentations to the class. It will be extremely important that the topics researched are of the interest of the students. Nothing will be forced. Students will also be paired up and research an agreed upon subject. Then they will speak publicly to the class. We will then spend the class discussing their research and answering questions. This class will not only work on their public speaking skills, but will also be an introduction to research: looking up different sources, double checking with different sources to confirm accuracy. The students will utilize You Tube, libraries, internet, books, relatives, and more. Students will be required to bring a notebook to class to make notes.
Students will also be encouraged to bring visuals for their presentation. As for payments, I can take payment in the following forms: Cash Check Paypal (@HTSL500@yahoo.com) Venmo (@Heather-Smith-Levin)
Kickboxing (Muay Thai) & Core (Abs) (8-18)
Jeff or Marquis & Sam (Jump For Kids) Jeff@jfkfl.org
$109 ($25 for parents) + $0 materials fee
Kick Boxing (Muay Thai) & core (abs). For Parents and Students. Taught by Jeff Pope or Marquis Lester with and highschooler Jack Card. We Professional Personal trainers and Kickboxing Coaches. Resistance training Back/Bicep’s, Legs/Shoulders, Chest Triceps and core everyday. Every week learn a new kickboxing technique. Jab, cross, hooks, uppercut, high/medium/low kicks, blocking and head movement. All classes start with 6 diverse ab exercises. Please feel free to bring your gloves and shins however they will be provided free of charge. Parents and students. Payments @ www.jumpforkidsfl.org
KLSA Youth Soccer (5-13)
Kim Livecchi kimberly.livecchi@klsacademy.com
$120 + $0 materials fee
Our Homeschool Soccer Program offers a fun and engaging way for homeschooled children aged 5-13 to learn and play soccer. Designed to cater to different skill levels, our program focuses on developing fundamental soccer techniques, teamwork, and sportsmanship in a supportive and inclusive environment. Join us to help your child stay active, build confidence, and make new friends while enjoying the beautiful game of soccer.
Mission Possible: Team Building Challenges (11+)
Damon Chepren damon@wildworldexp.com
$110 + $10 materials fee
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to come together to overcome the challenges set before you. Each week the team will be presented with a new scenario that will require teamwork, communication, creative problem solving, empathy, group decision making, persistence, and out of the box thinking to conquer. Challenges are expertly crafted and facilitated to help students grow and develop their skills and themselves with each activity. Not unlike biceps, these mental “muscles” require exercise and conditioning to become “strong”. Some activities will challenge participants physically, others mentally, and yet others emotionally. Most will engage all three. This class is priced as an 11 week semester. Payment Options: Cash, Check, Paypal, Venmo If Paypal: paypal.me/WildWorldExp If Venmo: Damon-Chepren If Check Payable To: Wild World Experiential Ed.
Move It, Move It! (4-8)
Alexis Trowbridge Lextrow7408@gmail.com
$75 + $10 materials fee
Let’s get moving! Each week we’ll warm up with some stretches and light cardio (jumping jacks, windmills, running, etc.). We will play fun games like Simon Says, What Time Is It Mr. Fox, and Freeze Tag plus activities like relay races, a dance party, and so much more! Then we will end with a short yoga cool down. We’ll also focus on learning games and practice simple rule following. Students will receive their own supplies to take home at the end of the semester to keep them moving! This class is taught by Miss Alexis who assisted in teaching last semester. Payment is accepted via cash or through Venmo or PayPal [hltrow811@gmail.com] as a payment to friends and family only. Please contact me to discuss if you have an interested child outside of the age range or if your kiddo needs any accommodations to participate.
Science Explorers (8-11)
Nicole Schwartzberg teachingchikc@gmail.com
$110 + $20 materials fee
Do you love science? Join us as we explore the Scientific Method with hands on activities and experiments. This class is part instructional and part hands on. Science Explorers will cover a variety of topics, learn about the Scientific Method and get a fun hands on activity. Get ready to explore! *This is an 11 week class with no class held on March 5th* Payment via cash, check, Venmo
Sew Much Fun: Pattern Crafts (10+)
Dawn Marie Miller kbm4d@yahoo.com
$100 + $20 materials fee (there will be a supply list)
Join us as we learn how to follow, alter, embellish and draft patterns. We will venture into the world of garment sewing.
Storytime with a Twist 2.0 (4-8)
Ali Scanlin aliathop@gmail.com
$95 + $45 materials fee
Let’s welcome the Winter and Spring seasons with new interactive stories! Each story will have a learning component weaved in. After the story, we will have a fun and educational activity that relates to the story including: making toys, crafts, picnics, painting, clay and so much more!
CLASS BONUS! Having lived in Spain for several years and being fluent in Spanish, I am excited to incorporate some Spanish and my love of the language each week.
The suggested age range for this class is 4-8. With that being said, you know your child best! if you have a mature 3 year old, chat with me and we will see if it is a good fit! Also, my 8 year old twins love these activities. The age range is flexible, depending on your kiddo. This will run as an 11 week class, to allow for any unexpected family needs on my end. Cash or check is preferred, and can be handed to me before class. If you must, venmo me @Ali-scanlin
Teen Project Share (12-18)
Erin McEachern erin_mceachern@yahoo.com
$60 + $5 materials fee
Welcome to our creative project space for teens! Each class, students will be encouraged to bring an active project – this will look different for everyone! Examples might include a creative writing piece, a sketch in progress, digital art on an electronic device, calligraphy cards, jewelry making … anything that is portable and your student wants to bring to work on! To get our creativity flowing, each session will begin with “quick notes,” a teacher-led session covering creative prompts, hobby organization, how to set up a creative space at home, etc. Afterward, the students will work on their individual projects. There will be ample opportunity for each student to share what they are working on, receive teacher or peer feedback if desired, and be acknowledged for their creative successes! Please note: only basic supplies will be offered in class (pencils, draft paper, scissors, etc.). All other necessary project material should be provided by the student each class. Led by Erin McEachern, homeschool mom of three (Elise, 17, Lincoln, 14, and Cooper, 12) and local co-op teacher for nine years. Check made payable to Erin McEachern or Paypal: erin_mceachern@yahoo.com
Watercolor Basics (8+)
Angel Mercado angelcollito1959@gmail.com
$130 + $0 materials fee
Basic watercolor techniques for beginners!
Wholistic Nutrition and Wellness (12+)
Paula Card & Natalie Clarke paulagcard@gmail.com and natalie.rose.alfano@gmail.com
$80 + $0 materials fee
In this class you will learn the benefits of whole foods vs the drawbacks processed foods. We will talk about how to minimize environmental toxins in foods as well as everyday products we use. We will also talk about the 5 pillars of health and how mindfulness can impact your overall health.
4TH PERIOD 12:30-1:20
ABCs of Chess (8+)
Eric Clemenson ebchessfla@yahoo.com
$50 + $10 materials fee
A Chess Class for Novices and Absolute Beginners. This class is for those who want to learn the basics of the game and for those who know the basics but want to learn just a bit more. The class will cover the basics: the rules, how the pieces move, the terminology, history and customs of the game. Each class is composed of a lesson portion and a play portion. Chess is a game, LET’S PLAY! NOTE: If your child is under the age of 8, exceptions on a case-by-case basis, if you speak with me first. PAYMENT: Payment may be made via cash, check or Zelle (Use 727-204-7347)
Art: Inside and Outside the Box (9+)
Heather Smith-Levin heatherTSL@yahoo.com
$88 + $40 materials fee
Dive into a world of creativity this semester where we explore innovative techniques and materials! In this engaging class, we’ll venture beyond traditional painting by using mixed media to create unique and captivating artwork. From canvas to reclaimed wood, and even natural elements, you’ll discover how to blend various materials and techniques to bring your artistic visions to life.
What to Expect:
* Mixed Media Exploration: Work with paper, maps, music sheets, canvas, string, and more. We will even use glass.
* Layered Creations: Each masterpiece will take 2 to 3 sessions to complete, allowing you to refine and perfect your work.
* Diverse Techniques: Experiment with different media which may include acrylics, watercolors, colored pencils, and alcohol ink.
* Nature-Inspired Art: We may possibly collect and press natural specimens to incorporate into your creations.
* Unique Projects: Paint on reclaimed wood, explore different textures, and create pieces to display or give as gifts.
* Materials fees are due 1st week.
* Payment options: Cash, check, Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle. Contact me for details.
* Email HeatherTSL@yahoo.com for any questions.
Join us for a journey of artistic exploration and create stunning, multi-dimensional pieces of art. Let’s get creative and paint outside the box!
As for payments, I can take payment in the following forms: Cash Check Paypal (@HTSL500@yahoo.com) Venmo (@Heather-Smith-Levin)
Ballet/Jazz Combo (4-7)
Miss Audrey & Miss Summer (Dreamer’s Dance Co.) admin@dreamersdanceco.com
$125 + $0 materials fee
Ballet/Jazz Combo a great way to introduce students to dance! Ballet is a wonderful foundation for many dance forms. It provides grace, poise, and technique needed to be proficient in many other areas of dance. Ballet and Jazz classes will help dancers with posture, flexibility, fitness, balance, self-discipline, and self-confidence. Jazz dance is an exploration of style that emphasize musicality rhythm and stylization as well as fun and innovative choreography and music kids will love. This class will be performing in the Talent Show with showcasing what they have learned this semester. (Exceptions for age range for this class can be made accordingly dependent on the circumstance). The class fee is $125 and payment will be accepted in the form of cash or a check made out to Dreamer’s Dance Company. We are so excited to have the opportunity to share our love of dance with your family!
Basketball Camp (8-12)
Sam Card 2amsamjam@gmail.com
$45 + $0 materials fee
This basketball “Camp” style class will help participants improve their basketball skills by performing various exercises specific to the sport. Drills that improve basic skills like dribbling and shooting all while learning/reviewing the rules of the game. Each class will begin with 20 minutes of exercises and game specific drills. The last 30 minutes will be spent playing a game allowing players to practice what they learned all while having fun!
Bits and Pieces of Natural Essentials (10+)
Plamena Uzunova Plamena.uzunova@prontomail.com
$120 + $65 materials fee
Another class of the series “Kitchen meets the Lab”! We are going to take a good care of our bodies, hair and even teeth this semester using all natural ingredients like Cacao and Shea Butter; Coconut and Olive Oil; Candelilla Wax, Clay, Aloe Vera Gel, Menthol Crystals, Vanilla Beans, Various Essential Oils and many more. We will be making herb and flower infused oils and vinegar for bug balm, salve and hair detangler spray, whipping body butters and lotions, scraping vanilla bean pods for body and lip scrubs and steeping marshmallow root for hair detangler spray among other fun things. There will be a total of 12 products, list below: Toothpaste, Deodorant, Hairspray, Hair heat protector/Detangler spray, Bug balm, Sunscreen, After sun lotion, Body scrub, Body butter, Hand cream, Salve, Lip scrub Come and meet me at the “Meet and Greet”, I will have samples of all products!
****Scholarship: I am not a certified teacher so I cannot help with the class fee reimbursement, however if you want to try to submit the materials fee, I will be happy to issue an invoice so you can give it a try (no guarantees) just inquire upon payment. Payments: Cash, Check made out to Plamena Uzunova, Zelle 732 430 5493, PayPal plamena.uzunova@protonmail.com
Editing Fun! (10+)
Avery Herbst Avery.TH@outlook.com
$75 + $0 materials fee
This class is about editing. We will mostly be working with a free app called Gacha Life. This is an app where you can make fun, cool and magical characters. You can create them however you want. You will learn how to edit using those characters in other free apps called CapCut and IbisPaint X. You will then learn how to green screen, add cool effects, a bit of drawing, and how to tween! Tweening is where you make your Gacha character move their arms, and legs smoothly and make them walk. You can then put the character into a real life video and add music to make a short video. In this class you will need a phone or tablet, and download the free apps before class: Capcut, Gacha Life, IbisPaint X, and V recorder (if no screen recorder on your device). These apps are free. Each class will have different videos and editing to work on. You might finish it in one class but if you don’t it’s fine! You can always do it in the next class. Payments accepted: CashApp $AveryTaylorH Cash or check
Deciphering History (7-12)
Alicia Keenan Prescott misslish@verizon.net
$95 + $40 materials fee
Join MISS LISH as we decipher the “secret codes” used throughout human history. Each week, our discussion will focus on an interesting anthropological development and pairs with unique hands-on STEM projects, crafts, and activities- all designed to propel the learning fun to the next level. In true MISS LISH style, students will get to utilize an unexpected array of tools and manipulatives in curious ways. Topics will include: code making & breaking (Scythes, Caesar’s Cipher Rings), petroglyphs/hieroglyphs, braille, red/blue decoders, sundials, heredity, fingerprints, military codes (Morse Code, Military Alphabet), Navajo Code Talkers, Enigma Machine, and more! *Please note: To fully enjoy this class, students should be able to read minimally, or bring an adult helper to assist in class. If you have an interested learner outside of the suggested age range, they are welcome to join! Please reach out to me to discuss arrangements. Class pricing is based on an 11 week semester. Cash/check is preferred (payable to: Alicia Prescott) Paypal: misslish@verizon.net Venmo: @MissLish2
Greek History and Mythology (7-10)
Aiden Salomon anyasalomon@gmail.com
$30 + $10 materials fee
Are you into Greek history? How about mythology? Yes? Then this class is for you!
We will talk about mythological creatures, such as Medusa and historical figures like Archimedes. Some lessons will involve a craft or a game related to the topic of that week. **This is a student led class with adult supervision. Aiden (instructor) received cum laude recognition on National Mythology Exam in 2024. The class is planned for 11 lessons (we usually have family travels in the Spring). Payments accepted via Zelle: 813-220-9002 Or PayPal (friends and family please) anyasalomon@gmail.com Cash or check are also accepted
Keepsake Crafts (4-7)
Lauren Weight laurenweight12@gmail.com
$75 + $40 materials fee
In this class, your littles will explore the joy of making personalized keepsakes that you all can treasure for years to come. Each week children will create a special craft, centered around a holiday, or season, think Valentine’s Day and Mothers day for example. Some weeks they will go home with the craft and other weeks we will save till the end, so that they are closer to the holiday (i.e. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day)! With guidance from me, your child will learn basic crafting techniques, experiment with different materials, and gain confidence in expressing their creativity. This class not only provides an opportunity for children to create memorable gifts and mementos but also fosters a sense of pride and accomplishment. Parents will love the meaningful creations their children bring home, and the little crafters will love giving their masterpieces as gifts or keeping them as lasting reminders of their childhood. I can’t wait for you to see all the sweet crafts we create.
Let’s Make Music (8-15)
Brittanie Pope Brittaniejpope@gmail.com
$75 + $40 materials fee
In this dynamic class for 8-15 year olds, students will explore a wide variety of musical styles and techniques, from music theory and choral singing to show choir, a cappella, and even karaoke! Young singers will build vocal skills, learn about tone, pitch and rhythm, plus they’ll work together to create harmonies ending in a fun group performance. Whether learning the basics of music notation or diving into the excitement of musical theater and pop hits, this class provides a supportive environment where students can express their creativity, develop confidence, and discover the joy of singing in all its forms. No previous singing classes or experience required. PayPal.me/brittaniejpope or Zelle : DQBrittanie@aim.com
Nature Explorers (5-7)
Damon Chepren damon@wildworldexp.com
$100 + $10 materials fee
Explore the wonders of nature as we get up close and personal with wildlife through activities, games, story time, exploration and more! Meet a new animal visitor each class brought by your teacher, Mr. Damon, and learn all about the things that make these animals amazing. We will learn about many different groups of animals and the important habitats they live in. Each week will have a theme, but our learning will be driven by curiosity and questions. This class is priced as an 11 week semester.
On the Spot: Improv & Acting (11-18)
Skye Stockard skyesthelimityt@gmail.com
$70 + $5 materials fee
This class will teach students whether they’re a Beginner or a Pro when it comes to acting! This semester, students will have the opportunity to learn about Dramatic and Comedic Improv, Theatre History, and Monologue/Scene Study. There will be an optional showcase at the end, with each student having the choice between improv, scenes, or both!! *** StepUp Scholarship requirements will be provided upon request! *** Payment Options: • Check – Made Out to Skye Stockard • Cash • Venmo: @performingarts101
PE Team Sports: Middle and Highschool (12+)
Jeff or Marquis (Jump For Kids) info@jumpforkids.info
$109 + $0 materials fee
Jump for Kids will offer an PE class for elementary 3rd – 6th grade students. Taught by a certified and professional personal trainer, Jeff Pope/Marquis Lester and highschooler Sam Card. We will focus on an intro to sports, Kickball, basketball, dodgeball, flag football, soccer, whiffle ball, knocker ball, ultimate frisbee and other athletics team sports. payments @ www.jumpforkidsfl.org
Zelda Social Group (8-14)
$10 + $5 materials fee
Zelda themed social group. Hang out, discuss the games, help each other cooperatively advance in their game. Bringing their Nintendo Switch is not required but recommended. Bring a dish to share for the Zelda themed potluck on the last day.
5TH PERIOD 1:30-2:20
Acro (5-10)
Miss Summer & Miss Audrey (Dreamers Dance Co.) admin@dreamersdanceco.com
$125 + $0 materials fee
Our Acro classes are based off the Acrobatic Arts Curriculum. The program is based on safe and effective progressions with proven results in five divisions of AcroDance: Flexibility, Strength, Balancing, Limbering and Tumbling. Developed with input from professionals and experts in ballet, modern dance, jazz, contortion, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, sport acrobatics, yoga, acro yoga, pilates, physiotherapy, hand balancing and more, you will not find a more comprehensive program. Simple thoughtful progressions take the beginner preschool level dancer from log rolls and summersaults to the advanced dancer tumbling effortlessly across the stage! The class fee for Acro is $125, we look forward to tumbling with your child(ren) this semester!
Crochet-a-Critter (10+)
Riley Herbst rileyambyr@gmail.com
$75 + $50 materials fee
Unleash your creativity and learn how to crochet adorable, handcrafted animals in this beginner-friendly class! Whether you’ve never picked up a crochet hook before or are looking to improve your skills, this class will guide you through the basics of crochet while teaching you how to create a variety of cute animals like bees, cats, and frogs. You’ll start by learning essential stitches and techniques, and then we’ll move on to crafting charming little critters, step by step. we’ll cover stuff like how to read crochet patterns to adding a cute face. By the end of this class, you’ll have a set of precious, crocheted animal friends and the confidence to create more cute critters on your own, perfect for gift-giving, decorating your space, or simply enjoying handmade creations! Each student will get 3 chenille yarn colors of their choice, stuffing, safety eyes, a specific easy to hold crochet hook, stitch markers, yarn needle and bag to take home and keep. Payments accepted: CashApp $RileyAmbyr Cash or Check
Edible Science (6-10)
Alicia Keenan Prescott misslish@verizon.net
$95 + $40 materials fee
Join MISS LISH on a delicious educational experience! Each week, we will sharpen our (kid-safe) knife skills and use them to get a better understanding of the world around us. We will make edible models to explore things like the Earth’s core, life cycles, plant anatomy, and plate tectonics, ~as well as some surprise (and yummy!) experiments to delight and confuse our tastebuds and get our investigate juices flowing. If you have an interested learner outside of the suggested age range, they are welcome to join! Please reach out to me to discuss arrangements. Class pricing is based on an 11 week semester. Cash/check is preferred (payable to: Alicia Prescott) Paypal: misslish@verizon.net Venmo: @MissLish2
FUNdamentals of Engineering (8-10)
Stephanie Young gabby198young@gmail.com
$90 + $35 materials fee
Are you curious about engineering fundamentals? Join me as we dive into the world of applied physics and explore the foundations of engineering. Each class will include a brief discussion followed by hands on labs. Topics will include the scientific method, matter, Newton’s laws, friction, work, aerodynamics, sounds, magnetism and electricity. This class will include lab worksheets, so being able to write independently is necessary. About me: I have a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Florida and am an approved provider for Step Up scholarship students. I taught drafting at the university as a graduate assistant. My master’s work was conducted in rehabilitation robotics. Afterwords I worked at Sun Hydraulics as a product design engineer for 6 years.
Cash, PayPal, check, Venmo are all accepted. Venmo: Stephanie-Young-182 PayPal: Stephanie Young, 941-356-8376, gabby198@aol.com
Healthy Treats and Eats (6-15)
Brittanie Pope Brittaniejpope@gmail.com
$75 + $75 materials fee
This 11-week class (one week for potential sickness or vacation) takes young chefs on a delicious journey through the world of cooking and baking with a focus on healthy eating. Students will explore a variety of recipes, from baking homemade sourdough bread to making dairy-free cupcakes and paleo-friendly cinnamon rolls. Each week, they’ll learn essential kitchen skills, explore different dietary options, and discover how to make tasty treats and meals that are both fun and nourishing. The class emphasizes the importance of using wholesome ingredients and offers a hands-on experience in preparing, frosting, and enjoying healthy, homemade foods. Whether it’s learning to bake from scratch or creating flavorful, nutritious meals, this class will inspire creativity and a love for healthy cooking. PayPal.me/brittaniejpope Venmo: Britt-freedomfriends
Intro to Balloon Animals (11-18)
Lincoln McEachern erin_mceachern@yahoo.com
$95 + $25 materials fee
Welcome to Intro to Balloons Animals! During this 12-week session of immersion into the fascinating world of balloons art, students will learn how to make balloon creations, properly tie and break balloons, and engage in bonus art projects. All materials will be provided in class, and students will get to take their creations home after every session. Skills required: Fine motor, Minimal reading and writing. Led by Lincoln McEachern, who has been practicing circus arts for 5 years and has been teaching in the homeschool community for 2 years. Check to: Erin McEachern Paypal to: erin_mceachern@yahoo.com
Life Skills: Making it on Your Own (13+)
Cindi Hetz clhetz@ufl.edu
$0 + $35 materials fee
This course is for older youth students learning life skills as they transition into adulthood. Making it on Your Own was co-developed by a team at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences to prepare youth and young adults for life. Sessions include: Housing budgets, being financially stable, building tool kits, identifying pests, healthy and safe living, communication skills, auto maintenance and more. This course is delivered by the UF/IFAS Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Pinellas County. Hardship scholarship available. Teacher Preferred Payment Method: Cash or check made out to University of Florida
Mathematical Minds (8-11)
Kerry Dalto kerrydasilva@gmail.com
$90 + $0 materials fee
Through fun games and hands-on activities (and even a few magic tricks!), we will explore different ways to learn and think about math. Along the way we will delve into mathematical reasoning and logic and develop different mental math strategies. Planned topics we’ll cover include multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, fractions, measurement, money, graphs, and probability. Students need to be able to read. This class is appropriate for students at the 3rd to 5th grade math level. Payment may be made by check, cash, Paypal (@kerrydalto) or Venmo (@Antony-Dalt-1).
Mock Combat (11+)
Matt Fahy Matt@heroichealthgroup.com
$75 + $25 materials fee
Are you ready for some MOCK COMBAT? We’re all about the exciting & challenging contact sport of foam fighting! Arm yourself with foam weapons and defense gear, including swords, shields, spears, and more—then pick up skills and enjoy some excellent medieval and Norse-inspired games! Some history of warfare, weapons, civilization, and a lot of fun! All weapons will be provided. Cups and helmets encouraged but not required. Matt Fahy, will facilitate sessions where your child will have the opportunity to boost creativity, build confidence, and engage in teamwork sports.
Not Your Mother’s PE Class (Tyke Version) (4-7)
Lauren Weight laurenweight12@gmail.com
$75 + $25 materials fee
Join me for a fun filled PE class. Don’t think Sprints, Push-ups and sit-ups, think more like Silly running, Tic Tac Toe relay, Kangaroos and Crocs, and more! This will be a fun and exciting, action packed class that will keep your littles engaged and having fun. We will start every class by stretching and warming up, and then we will jump right into playing fun games, that get our bodies moving and our hearts pumping! We will play a new game each week, and throughout the semester I will talk about the importance of physical activity, and how it benefits our bodies! If you’re ready for some fun, go grab your tennis shoes, some water and let’s go play a game!
Oceans & Coral (8-11)
Heather Olejniczak herbalifespringhill@gmail.com
$100 + $10 materials fee
Dive into the exploration of the oceans of the world and its inhabitants! Learn about Ocean geography, currents, waves, temperatures, sea creatures and a focus on coral. Students receive a folder at the end of the semester with their completed work that can be used in portfolio evaluations for science. This course utilizes the Add The Wonder curriculum. Fees payable by cash, check or Venmo to @Heather-Olejniczak
Teen Hangout (13-18)
Rufus Mannino & Jack Card mc_rufus@yahoo.com
$40 + $0 materials fee
Hello HOP students!
Does the rest of HOP ever feel too stressful? If so, this class is for you. In this class, we’ll be focused on having fun and socializing with other teens. We’ll be playing various icebreaker games, video games, and much more. Across the semester, we will also be having an optional Super Smash Bros tournament anyone in the class can join. We will be doing a few rounds each week until it’s been completed, and the winner will get a special prize! Payment types: Cash, Venmo, Paypal username: phyleon
Teen Tranquility (12+)
Lisa Dryden ljdryden@hotmail.com
$100 + $25 materials fee
Join Lisa Dryden for this SPA INSPIRED CLASS designed esp. for Teens! Our weekly pampering ritual will consist of creating a variety of healing spa treatments for the face, hair/scalp, hands/feet, & nails. We will blend all natural, organic ingredients such as avocado, honey, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay, coconut oil, & oatmeal, as well as organic essential oils to produce simple treatments to nourish, revive, & enhance the health of our skin, hair, & nails. An herbal tea of the week will be provided with an overview of the herb & its benefits. Gentle yoga will be performed focusing on the face/hand/feet/neck & shoulder areas. While we sip tea, relax, & enjoy our treatment, we will discuss the structure & function of our skin/hair/nails/glands along with an introduction of manicure, pedicure, facial, & massage (with hot stone) techniques. Sound healing & towel origami will also be explored. Let’s immerse ourselves in a serene oasis to help balance our whole being! A sample class for the feet would look like this: Arrive to candle lit, soft spa music, 5 min- herbal tea with herb discussion, 5 min foot yoga/mindfulness meditation, 10 min- create infused mineral salt foot soak, 25 min-enjoy our soothing, therapeutic treatment to relax our weary, achy feet & have an educational discussion of how best to take care of the feet~looking at the structure of our bones, movement, shoe considerations, etc. 5 min-clean up. Leave class each week with Less mental & physical stress & the ultimate knowledge of self care! Ljdryden@hotmail.com cash/check, venmo, paypal,
The Royale Game (10+)
Eric Clemenson ebchessfla@yahoo.com
$75 + $25 materials fee
This class is for students who already have some experience playing chess and are familiar with the rules. If the prospective student is a beginner or has a limited knowledge of chess, please consider enrolling in The ABCs of Chess. Students will be introduced to the ancient game of chess and discover strategies like zugzwang and the “Greek Gift”. Each class will be composed of a learning portion (lesson) and a free play period where students get to put to use what they’ve learned, after all, chess is a game and should be enjoyed! If enough students are enrolled, for those interested, an unrated chess tournament will be conducted, and trophies awarded. In addition, for ambitious players, information will be supplied on resources they can use to make additional progress in their game. Chess is an open-ended learning experience, there’s always something more to learn! Chess is suitable for all ages. I have taught students aged 5 to 70. PAYMENT: Payments accepted via cash, check or Zelle. NOTE: For students who are interested but have a schedule conflict, I am available for individual or group lessons (if there is more than one student) outside of my class times. ALSO NOTE: For students younger than 10, exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis, please contact me in advance.
Wild Discovery- Extended Edition (7-10)
Damon Chepren damon@wildworldexp.com
$140 + $0 materials feeIn this double length class, have fun exploring the natural world as we seek out the flora and fauna of Florida, from megafauna to microscopic, and use our discoveries to learn about ecosystems, classification, adaptation, life cycles, symbiotic relationships, and conservation through inquiry-based learning. For the sake of environmental studies, this class will meet at nearby Hammock Park 3 minutes away, rather than at the church. To allow for travel time to the park, class will begin at 1:30 with 10 minutes of free exploration before instruction starts and will continue until 3:00. Plan to get your feet wet and your hands dirty as this class is all about getting out and immersing ourselves in nature. Activities will include dip netting, water testing, hiking, catch and release sampling, animal encounters, and just plain nature discovery. Each week will have a theme, but our learning will be driven by what we find along the way. This class is priced as an 11 week semester. Payment Options: Cash, Check, Paypal, Venmo If Paypal: paypal.me/WildWorldExp If Venmo: Damon-Chepren If Check Payable To: Wild World Experiential Ed.