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In Person Classes – Spring 2021

How to Register:
Each class will have the email contact for the teacher. You will email your teacher directly and to let them know you want to register for the class. Payments will be made directly to the teacher. Please make arrangements to pay your teacher electronically as much as possible.

All in-person classes will be at John Chestnut Park in Palm Harbor. Our first class is 2/24/21. Please see our calendar for all important class dates.

For online classes, please click on “Online classes – Spring 2021”.


1st Period 10:00-10:55
Breakout (8-10) –

Fun with Science (6-8)
Volleyball (11-adult)
WILD Discovery (5-7)
Yoga Kids (3-10)

2nd Period 11:05-12:00
Fun with Engineering (7+)
It’s Debatable (13-17)
HOP Craft Class (7-11)
PE Games (5-10)
Reading and Math Fun (5-7)
Teddy Bear Picnic (0-7)
WILD Discovery (8+)

3rd Period 12:45-1:40
Breakout (11-12)
Knex (8+)
GraviTrax with Algebra (13+)
Literary Lap Book FUN (Pre-reading+)
Personal Training & Games Class (9-18)
Soccer Skills (9-12)
Traditional Survival Skills (8-13)

4th Period 1:50-2:45
Acrylic Painting (8-adult)
Advanced Science (12+)
Dodgeball (12-18)
GraviTrax (7+)
Mission Possible: Team Building Challenges (10+)

5th Period 2:55 – 3:50
Advanced Electric Circuits (13+)
Art Exploration (8+)
Painted Rocks! (8-11)
Team Active Cardio and Strength (All)
Teen PE (12+)



Ages: 10-adult
Cost: $80 + $40 non refundable material fee
Email: (payments to:

Come paint with us! Any skill level welcome.
Each week we will be creating a masterpiece to take home.
We will learn basics about colors and mixing. Also valuable for any skill level.
Our paintings will be brand new this semester. We will still vary in our paintings from beaches to mountains and sunsets, animals, flowers and more. Also! Several pieces will be created around different themes and holidays (Winter, spring, Valentine’s Day, st. Patrick’s Day, Easter, etc.)
Parents and kids can also paint canvases that join together (just ask me about this).
***I will be missing one class this semester, this absence has been worked into the overall price of the class.

Ages: 13+
Cost: $120

The MEGA2560 R3 board has rows of connectors along both sides that are used to connect to several electronic devices and plug-in ‘shields’ that extends its capability. It also has a single LED that you can control from your sketches. This LED is built onto the MEGA2560 R3 board and is often referred to as the ‘L’ LED as this is how it is labeled on the board.

Blink Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to program the MEGA 2560 R3 controller board to blink the Arduino’s built-in LED, and how to download programs by basic steps.

LED Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to change the brightness of an LED by using different values of a resistor.

RGB LED Overview – RGB LEDs are like 3 regular LEDs in one and how to use and connect them is not much different. In our lab, we will start with the LED in the Red color state, then fade to Green, then fade to Blue and finally back to the Red color. By doing this we will cycle through most of the color that can be achieved.

Digital Inputs Overview – In this lesson, students will learn to use push buttons with digital inputs to turn an LED on and off. Pressing the button will turn the LED on; pressing the other button will turn the LED off.

Active buzzer Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to generate a sound with an active buzzer

Passive Buzzer Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use a passive buzzer. The purpose of the experiment is to generate eight different sounds, each sound lasting 0.5 seconds: from Alto Do (523Hz), Re (587Hz), Mi (659Hz), Fa (698Hz), So (784Hz), La (880Hz), Si (988Hz) to Treble Do (1047Hz).

Tilt Ball Switch Overview – In this lesson, you will learn how to use a tilt ball switch in order to detect small angle of inclination.

Servo Overview – Servo is a type of geared motor that can only rotate 180 degrees. It is controlled by sending electrical pulses from your 2560 R3 board. These pulses tell the servo what position it should move to.

Ultrasonic Sensor Module Overview – Ultrasonic sensor is great for all kind of projects that need distance measurements, avoiding obstacles as examples. The HC-SR04 is inexpensive and easy to use since we will be using a Library specifically designed for these sensors.

Membrane Switch Module Overview – In this project, we will go over how to integrate a keyboard with a MEGA 2560 R3 board so that the MEGA 2560 R3 can read the keys being pressed by a user.

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Overview – In this tutorial we will learn how to use a DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor. It’s accurate enough for most projects that need to keep track of humidity and temperature readings.

Analog Joystick Module Overview – Analog joysticks are a great way to add some control in your projects. In this tutorial we will learn how to use the analog joystick module.

IR Receiver Module Overview – Using an IR Remote is a great way to have wireless control of your project. Infrared remotes are simple and easy to use. In this lesson, students will be connecting the IR receiver to the MEGA2560, and then use a Library that was designed for this particular sensor. In our sketch we will have all the IR Hexadecimal codes that are available on this remote, we will also detect if the code was recognized and also if we are holding down a key

MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix Module Overview – In this lesson, students will connect a MAX7219 and scroll the text across. Since these modules use the MAX7219 LED driver chip, we will be able to turn on and off the 64 LEDs of each module, using only 3 pins on the MEGA 2560.

GY-521 Module Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use GY-521 module which is one of the best IMU (Inertia Measurement Unit) sensors, compatible with Arduino. IMU sensors like the GY-521 are used in self balancing robots, UAVs, smart phones, etc.

HC-SR501 PIR Sensor Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use a PIR movement detector with an MEGA 2560. The MEGA 2560 is the heart of this project. It ‘listens’ to the PIR sensor and when motion is detected, instructs the LED to light on or shutoff.

Water Level Detection Sensor Module Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use a water level detection sensor module. This module can perceive the depth of water and the core component is an amplifying circuit which is made up of a transistor and several pectinate PCB routings. When put into the water, these routings will present a resistor that can change along with the change of the water’s depth. Then, the signal of water’s depth is converted into the electrical signal, and we can know the change of water’s depth through the ADC function of MEGA 2560R3

Real Time Clock Module Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use the RTC module, The DS1307 real-time clock is a low-power chip. Address and data are transferred serially through an I2C, which can be used unless being connected to UNO with only three data cables. DS1307 provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Timekeeping operation continues while the part operates from the backup supply.

Sound Sensor Module Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use a sound sensor module. This module has two outputs: AO: analog output, real-time output voltage signal of microphone DO: when the intensity of the sound reaches a certain threshold, the output is a high or low level signal. The threshold sensitivity can be achieved by adjusting the potentiometer. To make sure the microphone can detect your voice normally, please try to change its sensitivity by turning the blue precise potentiometer on the module. Given to its preciseness, it takes at least 10 circles for you to get some response.

RC522 RFID Module Overview – In this lesson, students will learn to how to apply the RC522 RFID Reader Module on MEGA2560 R3. This module uses the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus to communicate with controllers such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, beagle board, etc.

LCD Display Overview- In this lesson, students will learn how to wire up and use an alphanumeric LCD display. The display has an LED backlight and can display two rows with up to 16characters on each row.

Thermometer Overview In this lesson, students will use an LCD display to show the temperature.

Eight LED with 74HC595 – Overview In this lesson, students will learn how to use eight large red LEDs with an MEGA 2560 without needing to give up 8 output pins! Although you could wire up eight LEDs each with a resistor to a MEGA 2560 pin you would rapidly start to run out of pins on your MEGA 2560.

The Serial Monitor Overview In this lesson, students will build on the previous lesson, adding the facility to control the LEDs from your computer using the Arduino Serial Monitor. The serial monitor is the ‘tether’ between the computer and your MEGA 2560. It lets you send and receive text messages, handy for debugging and also controlling the MEGA 2560 from a keyboard! For example, you will be able to send commands from your computer to turn on LEDs. In this lesson, you will use exactly the same parts and a similar breadboard layout as Lesson 24. So, if you have not already done so, follow Lesson 24 now.

Photocell Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to measure light intensity using an Analog Input. You will build on lesson 25 and use the level of light to control the number of LEDs to be lit. The photocell is at the bottom of the breadboard, where the pot was above

74HC595 and Segment Display Overview -In this lesson, students will use the 74HC595 shift register to control the segment display. The segment display will show number from 9-0.

Four Digital Seven Segment Display Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use a 4-digit 7-segment display. When using 1-digit 7-segment display please notice that if it is common anode, the common anode pin connects to the power source; if it is common cathode, the common cathode pin connects to the GND. When using 4-digit 7-segment display, the common anode or common cathode pin is used to control which digit is displayed. Even though there is only one digit working, the principle of Persistence of Vision enables you to see all numbers displayed because each the scanning speed is so fast that you hardly notice the intervals.

DC Motors Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to control a small DC motor using an MEGA 2560 R3 and a transistor.

Relay Overview – In this lesson, students will learn how to use a relay.

Stepper Motor Overview – In this lesson, students will learn a fun and easy way to drive a stepper motor. The stepper we are using comes with its own driver board making it easy to connect to our MEGA 2560.

Controlling a Stepper Motor with Remote Overview – In this lesson, students will learn a fun and easy way to control a stepper motor from a distance using an IR remote control. The stepper we are using comes with its own driver board making it easy to connect to our MEGA 2560. Since we don’t want to drive the motor directly from the MEGA 2560, we will be using an inexpensive little breadboard power supply that plugs right into our breadboard and power it with a 9V 1Amp power supply. The IR sensor is connected to the MEGA 2560 directly since it uses almost no power.

Controlling Stepper Motor with Rotary Encoder Overview- In this lesson, students will learn how to control stepper motors using a rotary encoder. We will use the inexpensive and popular stepper motor that comes with its own control board: the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor with the ULN2003 board. The 28BYJ-48 motor is not very fast or very strong, but it’s great for beginners to start experimenting with controlling a stepper motor with an Arduino. We will write some code to have the motor move in the direction that we turn the rotary encoder, and will also keep track of how many steps we have taken, so that we can have the motor move back to the starting position by pressing down on the rotary encoder switch.

Ages: 12+
Cost: $120

Every four weeks we will cover a new topic. Biology, with dissection… Chemistry, observing fireworks and creating substances… Physics, building water rockets and exploring the rules that govern us.

ART EXPLORATION (Renee BloomMcGrady)
Ages: 8+
Cost: $60 + $40 non refundable material fee

Come paint using different mediums and create unique projects. There will also be two weeks of tie-dye.

Ages: 8-10 AND 11-12 (2 Separate Classes)
Cost: $65 + $25 non refundable material fee

Join me for some fun with puzzles! There is a series of re-programmable lock boxes with different types of locks (directional, numerical, alphabetical and key). Each week we will have a different set of clues for the students to work together & figure out in order to discover each lock’s combination, and if they get all of the locks open within the allotted time period, they WIN! Skills needed: Critical thinking and have the ability to work together with others.

Ages: 12-18
Cost: $70

Dodgeball (PT Academy & Jump for Kids – Jeff Pope)
Played with Gator balls and not rubber balls
The object of the game is to knock all of your opponents “out” of the game without being eliminated yourself. The first team to eliminate all opposing players is the winner. Each game has a 3-minute time limit. If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the 3 minutes, the team with the most players still in the game is the winner.
There are 3 types of dodgeball games, each with slightly different objectives:

  1. Elimination Game
    The game is played until all members of one team have been eliminated. The first team to knock out all of its opponents is the winner.
  2. Timed Game
    The game is played for a pre-determined amount of time or until all members of one team are eliminated, whichever comes first. If there are players remaining when time expires, the team with the most players still on the court wins the game.
  3. Scored Game
    A scored game can be played either as an elimination game or a timed game. Teams earn points for the number of players still “in” at the end of each game.
    Played with Gator balls and not rubber balls
    Our kid-friendly balls are dramatically lighter than other playground balls and virtually eliminate the sting associated with getting hit by the ball. They weigh less than 20% of a traditional 8-1/2″ rubber playground ball often used to play dodgeball.

Ages: 7+
Cost: $75

Young engineers will have fun learning engineering concepts with fun experiments such as:

Aeronautical Engineering – N.A.S.A. – Bottle Rockets
Aeronautical Engineering – Propeller Paper Airplanes/Stick Launchers
Chemistry– Dinosaur Eggs
Chemistry – Fireworks
Chemistry and Physics – Oobleck Egg Drop
Earth Science – Rain Cloud in a Jar
Earth Science and Chemistry – Water Lab
Earth Science – Preforming an acid test on rocks
Renewable Energy – Solar Cockroaches
Renewable Energy – Building an Anemometer
Engineering Design – Pool Noodle Periscopes
Electronics – Circuit Bug/Potato Battery

FUN WITH SCIENCE (Renee BloomMcGrady)
Ages: 6-8
Cost: $85 + $15 non refundable material fee

Young explorers will learn about plant cycles, space, dinosaurs and more as we cover something new each week and create projects.

Ages: 7-11
Cost: $60 + $25 non refundable material fee
Email: (payments to:

Come and create holiday and seasonal crafts with us (we will do some non-holiday crafts too.)
We will using all sorts of materials including, but not limited to, the following:
Beads, magazines, wood, glue, card stock, markers, cloth, paper, yarn, paint, newspaper and more.
***I will be missing one class this semester, this absence has been worked into the overall price of the class.

Ages: 8+
Cost: $50

Learn algebra concepts the fun way with GraviTrax

With the GraviTrax interactive track system, students can design and build their own marble race tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism and kinetics to propel the gravity sphere to the finish. With a variety of tiles, levels, tracks and features you can control the speed of each gravity sphere. The open-ended building concept offers endless possibilities to design a different track every time you play. 

Each session has construction plans that will focus on a particular algebra or physics concept. 

Students will discover how the laws of math and physics affect the path the gravity sphere takes by adding curves, crosses, trampolines, elevators, volcanos, splitters, ziplines, catapults and even a cannon to the track. Each session includes tasks and construction plans using different heights and angles to control the speed of the gravity sphere.

This STEM system [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math] is an ideal one to teach kids about gravity, magnetism, kinetic energy and have fun. Are the gravity spheres stopping or flying off before reaching the end target? Time for some problem solving. Rebuild and try something different!

Use the trampoline to defy gravity, gain momentum, and bounce your marble through the track. How far and high will your marble bounce from the trampolines and what are the corresponding algebra equations?

Split the directions of the marbles with the splitter. Use algebra to determine if the marbles have enough speed to roll across the trap door. If they roll too slow, the marbles will fall to awaiting tracks below and will go in different directions. 

Zip along! The zipline connects track sections to overcome long distances and varying elevations. How far will your marbles go when connected across the tracks via zipline and what is the corresponding algebra equation?

Let the ball spin round and round with the spiral. With different height possibilities, you can configure the spiral to take the marbles on a dizzying journey from one level to another.

When fully primed the magnetic cannon will give the gravity spheres a major boost in speed. If you have to go slightly uphill the magnetic cannon will help!

Cause an explosion! The volcano unleashes new energy into your track system. How far and how high will your marbles fly after a volcanic eruption and what is the corresponding algebra equation?

Ages: 13+
Cost: $100

With the GraviTrax interactive track system, students can design and build their own marble race tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism and kinetics to propel the gravity sphere to the finish. With a variety of tiles, levels, tracks and features you can control the speed of each gravity sphere. The open-ended building concept offers endless possibilities to design a different track every time you play.

Each session has construction plans that will focus on a particular algebra or physics concept.
Students will discover how the laws of math and physics affect the path the gravity sphere takes by adding curves, crosses, trampolines, elevators, volcanos, splitters, ziplines, catapults and even a cannon to the track. Each session includes tasks and construction plans using different heights and angles to control the speed of the gravity sphere.

This STEM system [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math] is an ideal one to teach kids about gravity, magnetism, kinetic energy and have fun. Are the gravity spheres stopping or flying off before reaching the end target? Time for some problem solving. Rebuild and try something different!

Use the trampoline to defy gravity, gain momentum, and bounce your marble through the track. How far and high will your marble bounce from the trampolines and what are the corresponding algebra equations?

Split the directions of the marbles with the splitter. Use algebra to determine if the marbles have enough speed to roll across the trap door. If they roll too slow, the marbles will fall to awaiting tracks below and will go in different directions.
Zip along! The zipline connects track sections to overcome long distances and varying elevations. How far will your marbles go when connected across the tracks via zipline and what is the corresponding algebra equation?

Let the ball spin round and round with the spiral. With different height possibilities, you can configure the spiral to take the marbles on a dizzying journey from one level to another.

When fully primed the magnetic cannon will give the gravity spheres a major boost in speed. If you have to go slightly uphill the magnetic cannon will help!

Cause an explosion! The volcano unleashes new energy into your track system. How far and how high will your marbles fly after a volcanic eruption and what is the corresponding algebra equation?

Basic Algebra Topics covered with Gravitrax include graphing points and drawing a line on the coordinate plane, the slope formula, the y-intercept, the equation of a single line, and writing the equation of a line given specific elements.

Advanced Algebra Topics covered with Gravitrax include writing the equations of parallel and perpendicular lines, graphing inequalities on the coordinate plane, solving systems of linear equations using the substitution and elimination methods, and complex word problems

KNEX (Renee BloomMcGrady)
Ages: 8+
Cost: $65 + $15 non refundable material fee

Motorized free build with end of the year project to bring home.

Ages: Pre-reading+
Cost: $10

This is a drop in class
Each week we will have a theme and complete a lap book that goes with it. You need to RSVP the week before the class so I know how many lapbooks and supplies to bring. Everything will be provided. We will cover themes from geography to classic books! This class can blend right into my Teddy Bear picnic class as the themes will be similar. If your child can not glue or cut on their own you will need to stay with them. I will post the picture of the lapbook theme the week before.

Ages: 10+
Cost: $87

Mission Possible: Teambuilding Challenges – Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to come together to overcome the challenges set before you. Each week the team will be presented with a new scenario that will require teamwork, communication, creative problem solving, empathy, group decision making, persistence, and out of the box thinking to conquer. Challenges are expertly crafted and facilitated to help students grow and develop their skills and themselves with each activity. Not unlike biceps, these mental “muscles” require exercise and conditioning to become “strong”. Some activities will challenge participants physical, others mentally, and yet others emotionally. Most will engage all three.

Ages: 8-11
Cost: $50 + $5 non refundable material fee
Email:; Venmo

Come join me to paint some awesome rocks together! Each week students will follow step by step instructions on how to paint the themed rock of the week. Rock designs include a galaxy, a bee, a fun monster, a flower, a shark, and more great designs. This fun and engaging class is perfect for any art skill level. In the last class, we will hide a few of the rocks that we have painted around the park for others to enjoy unless students would like to keep their rocks.

Ages: 5-10
Cost: $80

K-5th group PE and games class (Jump for Kids – Jeff Pope)

PE and games class for elementary school age students. Taught by a certified and professional personal trainer, Jeff Pope. We will focus on games (Pending on location) such as basketball, soccer, relay races, foam ball games, jump rope games, Protect the Penguin, Triangle Tag, Card Cardio, Wall Ball, Partner Balloon Dash, Giants, Elves and Wizards, Toilet Tag, Dog Catcher Tag, Caterpillar Races, Line Tag (Pac Man Tag), Captain’s Coming, Hideout, Pin Ball Knock Out, and any other fun game we can think of.

This class welcomes all fitness levels. Everyone starts somewhere and we would love to help you start or continue your fitness journey.

Ages: 9-18
Cost: $65

Personal Training for learning, practicing exercise and playing. The foundation of your fitness program is: resistance training, cardio, core and stretching + games. Taught by a certified and professional personal trainer, Jeff Pope. This program will teach the students and parents proper form on a variety of exercises and equipment. Some of the equipment you will learn about are battle ropes, agility ladders, proper running form, dumbbells, medicine balls, cardio cone work, sprinting, mile run time, body weight exercises, resistance training exercises, core exercises, Olympic ring stabilization movements, slam balls, pushing and pulling sleds etc… you will learn everything over time.
We will incorporate athletic games and running to entertain as well as exercise.
Games: Frisbee, Dodgeball, soccer, Badminton, tag, volleyball & relay races

This class welcomes all fitness levels. Everyone starts somewhere and we would love to help you start or continue your fitness journey.
Sponsored by Jump for Kids 501(c)(3)

Ages: 5-7
Cost: $80 + $15 non refundable material fee

Learn through games, activities, and books. Great for site words and addition & subtract.

Ages: 9-12
Cost: $60
Email: (payments to:

Come practice soccer skills with us. We will spend a portion of the class learning and practicing skills and a portion of the class playing the game.
Must have closed-toed tennis shoes. Shin guards not required.
Bring water.
I encourage ever to bring a ball for skills practice.

*There will be one week of no class. I will inform you when that will be. The cost of the course reflects this missing class.

Ages: ALL
Cost: $90

Hello. My name is Tariq Abdullah, and I will be your instructor for the Team Active Cardio and Strength fitness class. This is a high energy exercise routine choreographed to the latest hits of hip hop and pop. This workout is suitable for all ages and all conditions as it can be modified for your needs and abilities. I promise you will have a tremendous amount of fun as you move, dance and sweat with me. Not only that, you will be challenged and motivated at the same time. In the past 12 years as a personal trainer many have come to me and stated it was the best class they ever had. Come join us for fun and fitness, and see what the excitement is about.

Ages: 0-7
Cost: $10

Pre reading age.
We will have stories, dancing, and just a magical time together. This is a thematic story time. Let’s go on this adventure together.

Ages: 12+
Cost: $60

Come enjoy several of your favorite games and sports. During the semester, games will include: kickball, dodgeball, soccer, disc golf, hula hoop games, sharks and Minnows, Park Ranger, and many other fun playground games & P.E activities.

Ages: 13-17
Cost: $50

“That’s Debateable!

In this class we’ll learn the very basics of having a good debate. We will cover some key points like:
*What is a debate.
*What’s the process or way to fairly debate any topic.
*How to plan your strategy and argument.

Through fun group activities we’ll gain real life practice on how to think on your feet and defend your ideas. You might even be asked to defend an idea you disagree with. What a challenge! Are you up to it?
Note: Due to the current political climate, politics in particular will not be debated.”

Ages: 8-13
Cost: $87

Traditional Survival Skills – Learn the tricks and techniques used by people throughout history to survive the harshest conditions and provide for their needs. Early people and explorers wouldn’t have lasted long without these skills we’ll be trying our hands at such as fire starting, knot tying, foraging, orienteering, stalking, shelter building, trapping, whittling, and projectile hunting (rabbit stick, hand sling, and spear). Damon has been safely teaching these skills to students of all ages for more than 25 years.

Ages: 11+
Cost: $60
Email: (payments to:

“Volleyball – Come practice volleyball skills with us. We will spend a portion of the class learning and practicing skills and a portion of the class playing the game.
Must have closed-toed tennis shoes. Suggested is a hat and sunglasses.
Bring water.
I encourage ever to bring a ball for skills practice.

*There will be one week of no class. I will inform you when that will be. The cost of the course reflects this missing class.

Ages: 5-7 AND 8+ (2 separate classes)
Cost: $87

WILD Discovery – Have fun exploring the natural world as we seek out the flora and fauna of Florida, from megafauna to microscopic, and use our discoveries to learn about ecosystems, classification, adaptation, life cycles, symbiotic relationships, and conservation through inquiry based learning. Plan to get your feet wet and your hands dirty as this class is all about getting out and immersing ourselves in nature. Activities will include dip netting, water testing, hiking, catch and release sampling, animal encounters, and just plain nature discovery. Each week will have a theme, but our learning will be driven by what we find along the way.

Ages: 3-10
Cost: $100

Kids will learn how to use their breath and move their body in ways that will help them connect with the peaceful and calm space within them. Weekly mindfulness tools and meditation taught through themed music, stories and games. “”Peace begins with me